My Stomach Is Getting Bigger But Pregnancy Test Is Negative: What To Do?

My Stomach Is Getting Bigger But Pregnancy Test Is Negative

Are you suffering from morning sickness, missing periods, swollen breasts and yet negative pregnancy tests? Test kits for pregnancy that are instant are extremely reliable and frequently give the right message. To be 100% sure, take the test 3 to 4 times in a row to determine if you’re expecting.

You’ll likely be slightly confused if you cannot pass a pregnancy test and believe you are pregnant. The first reaction is likely to ask yourself if the test has not been done correctly, especially when you notice pregnancy symptoms. 

In reality, false negatives occasionally occur, but they are extremely rare. But your stomach may be getting bigger, but the pregnancy test is negative. 

Here are a few reasons why my stomach looks pregnant but tested negative.

Tested Too Early

If you test too soon, you might be pregnant, but the test isn’t powerful enough to pick up any signs of the hormone.

Although modern pregnancy tests at home offer a high degree of precision, their sensitivity could differ in the beginning stages of pregnancy. The pregnancy tests are designed to determine whether a hormonal substance named human gonadotropin (hCG) exists. 

This hormone is released immediately after the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. When the body begins producing hCG shortly after the implant, it generally takes two to three weeks before levels are sufficient for an accurate diagnosis.

Tested at the wrong time of day

In our forums, there’s been quite a conversation about the best time to perform an ultrasound to ensure optimal results. It is best to take a test during the first week of the day because it’s more focused.

Take note that the time of your urine sample could influence the result. It is most reliable to test early in the morning, and you should always take a test at the time of testing.

The best method of urinating in your stick is to do so with the first urine you take throughout the day. This is the first urine you take in the morning (FMU or FMU, as it’s referred to). This is when HCG is the highest concentration in the urine and therefore is the easiest to spot.

Hormonal changes are too low for a test at home

Okay, You were patient until you missed your period, but your test returned negative?

It’s time to think about the time you have peed on the stick. If you’re beginning to become pregnant, the levels of hCG (that’s the human chorionic gonadotropin for those who aren’t familiar, a hormone created by a growing placenta) might be lower than normal, particularly at night, when the urine has been diluted due to the amount of water you’ve taken to drink.

To get more precise results, you should test yourself at the beginning of the day to ensure that you’re using the most powerful urine. The smell is unpleasant, but the results are powerful!

Overly hydrated

Drinking excessive amounts of water could result in the incorrect result of a pregnancy test. This is because urine dilutes when drinking too much water, which decreases accuracy. 

One of the best methods to ensure that you get the correct results is to stay away from drinking excessive amounts of water at night and later conduct the test in the morning.

Having to pee more often

Hormonal changes can cause the body of a pregnant woman to store more water than the body of a woman who is not pregnant.

These hormonal changes, coupled with the bladder filling more often and emptying more frequently due to the extra stress on your bladder caused by the growing fetus, make pregnant women need to pee more frequently than they did in the past.

Hormonal imbalance

Often, missed periods trigger an alarm and can give the impression that you are pregnant. If your test results are positive, you probably have ovulation or will start your period very soon. 

If your menstrual cycle is delayed for more than two weeks, then speak with your doctor. When you’re suffering from PCOD, the delay may be more prolonged.

Rare causes

In some cases, negative test results can occur when the hormone hCG cannot react with the anti-hCG chemical in the PT.

In addition, low hormones can occur when an embryo grows outside the uterus. This is known as an ectopic pregnancy. The condition of an ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency that requires immediate consultation with your doctor.

A negative pregnancy test may suggest that you are suffering from other related health issues that can give you a larger belly. If you suspect you may have an additional reason, consult your doctor to identify the root of the problem and prescribe medications.

Early Miscarriage

If you are pregnant, however, you may have had an extremely premature miscarriage (also called chemical pregnancy) if you have an unfavorable test result. It occurs when an issue in the fertilized embryo is generally a chromosomal problem that causes the pregnancy to be unviable. 

 If your body senses the problem, it’s likely to end the fetus’s pregnancy, usually before the person realizes that they are expecting.

Drug side effects

If you’ve been using tablets regularly or other contraceptive medications, they could hinder your pregnancy, also. 

These medicines are harsh on the body and do not just disrupt the menstrual cycle but may cause problems when trying to conceive. Your doctor or gynecologist will be the most appropriate person to speak with in such a situation.

Misused the test 

While they’re quite simple, the most reliable pregnancy tests provide instructions.

Although most pregnancy tests are made to function in the same method (and this isn’t rocket science any longer, thank goodness!), it is still necessary to conduct your particular type of test under this.

If you don’t have to take a bath on the right side of the strip that you tested, Do not lay the test flat and facing up, or leave it for too long on the bathroom vanity before checking it for errors, as it may affect the results.

What happens when my pregnancy test is negative, and I miss my period? 

It’s easy to assume that the absence of a period is a sign of pregnancy, but in some cases, your menstrual cycle is delayed for different reasons. First, your menstrual cycle’s length may vary from cycle to cycle; in reality, 46% of menstrual cycles may vary by seven days or more. Your period could be extremely late, or you could even miss your period because of the following:

  • illness
  • travel
  • poor sleep 
  • very high stress

It is also possible to experience irregular menstrual cycles after having the baby and nursing. If you’ve had a baby recently and you’re nursing, your menstrual cycles could not begin again after you’ve stopped breastfeeding; however, that doesn’t mean you won’t be pregnant, so be sure to use contraception if it’s not on your schedule!

Another reason why you might experience an irregular absence of your period is you’re menopausal. Even if you’re past 45 and notice that your periods aren’t coming in as expected, it’s recommended to conduct an ultrasound pregnancy test.

Birth control pills may affect the frequency of your menstrual cycles when you take them off. This is because hormonal contraceptives can regulate your menstrual cycle while taking them. While your body recalibrates, your menstrual cycle could experience irregular menstrual cycles during the first few months.

If you’ve not had menstrual flow for several months and you’re not pregnant, it could be because of a hormonal imbalance as a result of medications, exercise too much, or being over or overweight. If you’ve been without a period, consult your doctor to determine why.

Final thought

No matter the results from your pregnancy test, you’ll be able to obtain confirmation from your physician. If you’re not certain the test was correct. However, generally, the tests at home are extremely reliable. Therefore, even though this might not be the information you’re looking for, if the test says you’re not pregnant, you probably aren’t.

However, in certain situations, pregnancy tests can produce false negative results. 

Therefore, you may be pregnant even though the test indicates you’re not. Your doctor or another test in a few days will confirm your pregnancy. If you’re not pregnant, but are interested in becoming pregnant and have tried for a year with no results, talk to your physician to discuss possibilities for treatment to help you get pregnant.


Is it possible that my stomach looks like I’m pregnant but test negative?

You can get an unfavorable result in a pregnancy test at home, even if you’re expecting. It is also known by the term false positive.

I got a negative result; what should I do next?


If you’re not certain of the result, you should wait until the day before your scheduled period to test. Or, take another test in three days if it’s not your time using a pregnancy test by an authentic brand. Follow the directions carefully. It is also possible to consult your physician if you have doubts. It is possible to have a test at the clinic or have your doctor recommend a different brand of test.  

Can a pregnancy test fail?

Yes, The negative result could be incorrect. The most common reason is that the test was performed too early. However, as stated in this article, it could be due to the test being poor quality, because it’s not very sensitive, or because a miscarriage occurred early, among others.

Can you be six weeks pregnant and still have a negative test?

There are many instances where a woman is pregnant for six weeks but has a negative pregnancy test and delivers a healthy baby at 34 weeks.

 If you’re confident about your due dates but are still positive at home, you may be worth seeing your gynecologist get blood tests or an ultrasound early. While detecting a heartbeat is not always possible, a transvaginal (internal) ultrasound may locate an internal “yolk sack” where your tiny embryo could develop.

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